Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I do a lot of brakes and services. Here are some pictures of me doing brakes.

In this picture I took off the tires and you can see the drum and brakes. Also for saftey reasons I used jack stands. Some people only use a jack in the middle. 

As you can see these brakes are pretty shot. Past the marking that indicates that the brake needs to be changed. 

The brakes and drum is removed and I cleaned the s cam and studs with a wire brush and brake cleaner. 


In this picture the new brakes are on. I could not take picture to show how I put them on due to time so I just took a quick picture showing they are on. I also replaced the drum. These brakes are extended life. To finish it off I put a little bit of oil on the lug nuts and put the tires back on then adjusted the brakes. I replaced all four back axle brakes on this truck. 

I leanred how to change brakes couple months ago. I leanred how to inspect the drum, s cam, slacks, hub, rollers, etc. And how to remove and replace the brake shoes. I always leanred easy ways that I use every day to take less time. 

Hours: 50 


  1. Thank you for recognizing the importance of jack stands. You ALWAYS need secondary support, not just a jack.

  2. Will you be around there on Friday, the 15th?
