Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Head gasket

Today me and vlad started pulling apart 734 it had its engine rebuild at Ik truck repair but they didn't torque the head right and the head is warped now. So we are going to JB weld it put a new head gasket and trade it in for a new truck. Here are some pictures....

Here is the parts we desasembled. Tomorrow i will remove the turbo and EGR.

Here is a picture of the individual head gaskets for the Mercedes's engine. I took off all of the houseings. 

We didn't get very far today due to time but I will have more pictures next week! I leanred how to brain storm a game plan first with your partner before beginning. And to always put the bolts back to where they came from. If u remove a part put its bolts back with it. So you know exactly what bolt goes where. 

Hours 306

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