Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Changing a water pump

This week I started my new job at tc trans. At first I did a lot of services and brake jobs. But on Monday I got the chance to dig into a mercedes engine to replace the water pump. For this I had to take off the hood of he truck, drain the coolant, take off the fan, take off all the hoses, air to air, and clutch ensemble, belt, and tensoner. And I had never done any of that before. So what did I learn? I leanred how to desasemble all of those parts. I spent around 6 hours taking all of that off. Here are some pictures....

Drained the coolant 

Removed air to air 

Used gloves so dirt wouldn't go inside and contaminate.
Took hoses off. 

Notice how all the hoses are off of that part. I took off a lot more hoses later on.

Took the fan off. The radiator is just sitting there all of the nuts and bolts holding it are out. 

Removed tensioner and water pump. Coolant leaked everywhere....

What I leanred, is not to drop the water pump because that will damage the radiator... Not good...

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