Monday, March 7, 2016

Flat bed rigging, cutting, and grinding

This week I took part in mounting a flat bed onto a truck. The first challenge was rigging the flat bed so it doesn't flex or bend, by doing this I leanred how to use the straps, chains, and spreader bar effectively. It took a bit of trial and error but here is the finished product. 

Next I lowered the bed with wooden blocks under the rails to see if all the mounting plates were ganna clear all the cross member bolts and spring mounts. It turned out we needed to cut four mounting plates. By doing this I leanred how make a cuts with the torch that's not a level surface, it was new to me but it went well. Then i leanred how to effectively use the grinder. Here is a picture that shows one cut I made with the torch...

As you can see there was a cross member bolt in the way, so I made a cut to make the mounting plate fit. Then after I grinded my cut to make it look presentable. 


Both like are to do with saftey. 


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