Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Road service

The other day I was sent to Mount Vernon due to a blown out radiator hose on the side of the road. We did not have the correct hose so I had to put something together to get the truck back to the yard. Here is a picture of what I did.
Here is what I put together. I cut up some water hose and where the downward bend is I used some metel pipe. 
That is where the hose blew.
Also couple days ago I fixed a interior door storage compartment. The screws holding the compartment together broke off. So I used some thin metel and rivets to hold everything together. But Also on this same truck I walked by and noticed a bolt missing from a spring hanger.  Here are some pictures...

Here is how I fixed it, it's a small fix but worked well.

Missing bolt in the spring hanger, I put a new bolt back in.